Maintenance & Care

Our products are meant to be used and last for a long time. By taking care of your jewelry, you will not have to worry about it breaking. Instead, you will be able to enjoy our jewelry for years to come. If you follow our guidance, we guarantee that your jewelry will last you a lifetime. For this to be possible, we want you to make the dedication of taking care of your jewelry, just as we are making the dedication of continuously becoming better

The materials of Quaade

All of our jewelry :

  • is 100% waterproof and does not take any damage from being used in saltwater, brackish water nor freshwater
  • is durable and meant to withstand everyday wear
  • meets the allergy requirements that exist in the EU and Sweden. If you’re still worried, don’t be afraid to contact us
  • is noble and therefore does not easily react with other substances nor degrade over time
  • is easy to maintain and are not demanding for the wearer


Clean your jewelry regularly by washing them with water and soap. We understand that you don’t want jewelry with a best before date, and since we only use pure materials polishing our jewelry is very effective. After polishing, even old jewelry can look as good as new. When not wearing your jewelry keep them separately in the accompany protecting bags

You can easily polish your pieces to remove light scratches, dust and oil and make them regain their shimmer. If you polish your pieces thoroughly their luster will increase drastically and they will stands out as new jewelry even though they might be many years old. You can grab our recommended polishing cloth here. Note: due to the impregnation you should always wash your hands after using the cloth. If you have sensitive skin, consider using gloves. Also the polishing cloth can’t remove the deepest of scratches, but that’s okay. In the end of the day your jewelry is supposed to change over time together with you

Silver jewelry oxidation

Due to the fact that we humans secrete minerals and salts sometimes silver jewelry can darken, ie oxidize. This is not strange or bad at all and happens with all silver alloys. In order to remove the oxide clean your jewelry as aforementioned. You may need to use a little force. If you do not actively clean it away it will disappear by itself from the usage of the jewelry. This only happens when your silver jewelry is brand new or at very rare occasions. After the oxide is removed the surface of your silver jewelry consists of a thin layer of fine silver (1000 silver instead of 925 Sterling silver) and fine silver does not oxidize

When not to use

Although we focus a lot on quality and usability, there is one occasion when it is not appropriate to use our jewelry; when you are extensively dealing with metal or any other hard surface material – for example going to the gym. These conditions will cause unnecessary wear to our rings

General tips

If your ring ever gets stuck on your finger, never try to force it off. This can cause your finger to swell and cause the ring to choke the blood flow into your finger. Eventually, this can become dangerous and you may need to cut the ring off your finger. Instead of trying to force it off, try to apply soap on your finger and the ring will slip off easily

If you wear multiple rings on fingers right next to each other the rings will bump into each other and get unnecessary scratched. We, therefore, recommend to always spread out your rings on your hand and always keep one empty finger between fingers with rings

Rings worn on your dominant hand (for right-handed this is the right hand and for left-handed, this is the left hand) are more visible to others due to that you use this hand more. However, rings worn on your non-dominant hand tend to be less scratched hence you use this hand less. If you want the highest ring visibility – go with your dominant hand. If you are particular worried about scratches – go with your non-dominant hand